Monday - Friday, 9am - 6pm
A claim advocate serves as a valuable asset when dealing with complex and high value insruance claims that has multitude of challenges from cradle to grave. Our experienced team of advocates are equipped with the expertise to navigate complexities, ensuring fair treatment and optimal outcomes.
Our role in proactive advocacy is clear communication, and strategic resolution significantly eases the burden of managing claims. This dedicated support to you, our client not only enhances the chances of a favorable resolution but also minimizes potential oversights or procedural pitfalls that might arise in direct dealings with insurers.
Because of our dedicated Acclaim Global Network, our Claim Solutions team taps on this network expertise market insight with data-driven strategies to streamline the entire claims process for businesses, providing a transparent and tailored approach to address their specific claims challenges.
Lastly, offering insights and lessons learned from the claims process not only adds value to the current situation but also contributes to preventing similar losses in the future, demonstrating a proactive and forward-thinking approach flows from our adovcacy to claims management and risk mitigation.
Singapore Office:
19 Keppel Road, #05-00
Jit Poh Building,
Singapore 089058
Myanmar Office:
Room No. 1401, 14th Floor
Olympic Tower, Corner of
Mahabandoola St & Bo Aung
Kyaw St, Kyauktada Township,
Yangon, Myanmar
A Progressive Wage Mark Company