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An essential instrument utilized in construction projects that protect all levels of contractors and projects.
Bonds and surety are simple.

Bonds and Surety


Construction projects involve a network of individuals and companies working together. To mitigate risk and ensure project completion, various types of bonds are used. These bonds act as financial guarantees, protecting different parties involved in the project. In today’s construction requirements, bonds are an essential requirement before starting any projects. We highlight some of the bonds that are most regularly covered in the construction projects today.

1. Bid Bonds

Imagine a contractor submits a bid for your project. A bid bond guarantees the seriousness of this contractor. If they win the bid but refuse the project, the bond compensates you for the difference between their bid and the next closest one.


How it Works: The contractor pays a premium for the bond, issued by an insuerance company. If they win the bid but decline the project, the bond pays you (the project owner) the difference up to the bond amount. The bond then recovers the cost from the contractor.

2. Performance Bonds

This bond ensures the contractor completes the project according to the agreed-upon plans and specifications. If they fail to do so, the performance bond protects you from financial loss suffered.


How it Works: The contractor pays a premium for a performance bond issued by an insurance company. If they breach the contract by failing to complete the project as specified, the insurance company may step in and compensate you for the cost of hiring another contractor to finish it. The insurance company will then pursue the contractor for reimbursement.

performance bond

3. Payment Bonds

This bond safeguards the subcontractors, suppliers, and laborers who work on your project. It guarantees they will receive payment for their work and materials, even if the contractor faces financial difficulties.

How it Works: The contractor pays a premium for a payment bond issued by an insurance company. If the contractor fails to pay subcontractors or suppliers, they can file a claim against the payment bond. The insurance company investigates the claim and, if valid, will pay the subcontractor or supplier up to the bond limit. The insurance company then recovers the costs from the contractor.

4. Maintenance Bonds

This specialized bond offers protection against defects in materials or workmanship that may surface after the project completion. It ensures the contractor will fix any covered issues within a specified timeframe also known as the maintenance period.


How it Works: The contractor pays a premium for a maintenance bond issued by an insurance company. If defects arise within the guaranteed period, and the contractor fails to rectify them, the insurance company will cover the cost of repairs up to the bond limit. The insurance company will then seek reimbursement from the contractor.

maintenance bond

5. Additional Bond Types

Depending on project specifics, other bonds might be required. These include Supply Bonds guaranteeing delivery of materials, Subdivision Bonds ensuring completion of infrastructure in new developments, and Permit and License Bonds required to obtain necessary permits.

The type and amount of bonds required for your project depends on many factors including project size, complexity, local regulations, and your risk tolerance. Consulting a construction broker and bonding professional can help you determine the appropriate bonds for your specific project.

Benefits of Bonds in Construction

Construction bonds offer significant benefits for both project owners and contractors. For owners, they provide a peace of mind, knowing financial protection exists if any of the the contractors defaults on their obligations. Contractors benefit by demonstrating their commitment to the projects and potentially being able to secure better bidding opportunities. Additionally, bonds create a more secure environment for subcontractors and suppliers, fostering trust within the construction ecosystem especially in Singapore.

Download our Bond and Surety Brochure

For more information and the types of surety or bonds insurance that we place, download our surety insurance handbook HERE.

bond and surety insurance handbook

Acclaim Construction Practice

When it comes to securing the success of your construction project, Contractors’ All Risk insurance is the ultimate shield against uncertainty. As each project and risk is unique, our Acclaim Construction Practice team will work with you throughout the whole process from placement to claims.

Acclaim Construction Practice provides integrated insurance solutions to projects across both public and private sectors. These include residential/mixed developments, industrial plants and infrastructure projects such as bridges, roads, rails, power & utilities in Singapore and across the region.

Through our global networks, we have a global Construction Practice comprising experienced construction insurance practitioners from USA, Europe and Asia as expert resources to serve on highly specialised and complex projects such as tunnels and dams. This allows us to access the global insurance markets for capacity as well as for competitive solutions.

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